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Health & Healing

Health is the free flow of energy through the body and can be achieved through an ever evolving mind, body, spirit balance or equilibrium.

Your body has incredible untapped potential to heal, that potential lies in a place of peace, deep inside you. It is always there, always accessible. Silence unlocks the body's innate capacity to heal and helps you move towards greater inner peace, guidance and well-being.

Make the Shift - Follow Jackie on Twitter
Interview with Wayne Dyer
Interview with Anita Moorjani
Free Spiritual Practice Training Videos
Living Fear-Free Course
Power to Change Interview

I recently wrote a chapter in a book called Power to Change.  It includes my chapter - 5 P's to Making Life Enhancing Changes as well as chapters from 18 other experts in various modalities of creating change. 

In addition to outlining how to facilitate change, I answer the question - 'why do people often wait until they have a life-threatening diagnosis, like cancer, to make life-enhancing changes?'. The 5 P's are: Pain, Power, Permission, Passion and Purpose.  Please use this link to listen to my interview:


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Wayne Shares his Insights & Journey

The CancerShift Blog

Helping you achieve fear-free living.

Stories of hope and tips on shifting from fear and confusion to greater courage, love and deep healing.


Anita Moorjani's ideas for WHO cancer prevention

Is there too much emphasis on 'not getting' cancer?  What is the affect of the fear that is being created around cancer statistics?  Are we focusing our energy behind the right things when it comes to the war that was waged against cancer so many years ago? Should there be a 'war' at all?  Anita Moorjani, stage 4 cancer survivor and best-selling author of Dying To Be Me, knows the debilitating role that fear played in her life and her cancer diagnosis.  When I interviewed Anita MoorjaniI I asked her what she would do differently if she were in charge of the World Health Organization (WHO) cancer prevention program worldwide.  Please take a moment to listen to her answer - it may surprise some of you....

Whether you agree with Anita or not, I would like to hear your comments!  What do you think of Anita's approach?  What would you do differently to help decrease the incidence of disease and especially cancer? Click Post a comment below to share your thoughts.

Next time I will talk with another cancer care expert and author of several best selling books, about what he would differently in terms of dealing with the cancer epidemic.


Gratitude can transform your life!

I have talked a lot about gratitude over the years.  I am a big believer in its power to transform things and to help you shift your perspective regarding things that are not as you would like them to be.  It is easy to be grateful when things are going well or when we are given gifts.  It is more challenging when you are experiencing difficult times or big challenges.  This is precisely when gratitude can work wonders. In order to understand the power of gratitude I want to share with you a basic spiritual concept that I use in my coaching;  whatever you put your attention on in life expands

When we talk about, pay attention to, or dwell on things we actually energize them.  Our energy follows our thoughts so when we think of something we help it expand or grow. 

So if you feel stuck in a situation, I invite you to look for things in the situation that you feel grateful for.  Even if you are sick or feeling tired there are likely things that are working well in your body.  If you practice gratitude for those things and put your energy behind the notion of your body being strong and healthy, you are likely to feel healthier and stronger - even if it is a slow or gradual process.  Gratitude is an uplifting energy that can be truly magical - that is why Rhonda Byrne entitled her book on gratitude The Magic! 

Starting November 4th there is a free online program called 21 Days of Gratitude. Here is a bit about the program:

  • After each daily subject is introduced, one of 21 world renowned thought leaders will be sharing personal insights on gratitude. These mentors come from all walks of life, from business to science, to spirituality. How does the practice of gratitude affect the CEO of a worldwide organization? How does gratitude enhance the life of a music manager, a physician, an economist, a Zen Master, an environmentalist, a marketing expert or a famous author?
  • Together we will discover the enormous power of making the commitment to be grateful – every moment, of everyday.  This feast for your mind and your senses will be heightened even further by a continuous backdrop of Louie Schwartzberg’s dazzling images, depicting the rhythms and patterns of nature. 
Click here to sign up for the program. 
I hope that gratitude will play a uplifting role in your daily lives!
PS Tim Kelley, my True Purpose Coach and Mentor is one of the presenters in the 21-day program - a truly inspirational thought leader and while worth signing up for!

Always wanted to meditate? Free online course...

I have been meditating for almost 18 years now. Meditation is the single most influential practice in my life. As you may have already heard me say, but I think it is worth repeating, meditation initially helped in terms of my immune system and energy level. I was no longer sick and had more energy. Over the years it has also given me a greater sense calmness and I feel more grounded. From this place of greater inner peace, problems and challenges don't seem as overwhelming. More and more I feel like I can observe situations instead of being caught up in them. I can also observe my emotions now and I have a greater sense of choosing my emotions vs. being driven by them. The book that opened me up to meditation was Deepak Chopra's Perfect Health so I am very excited now to announce that Deepak is offering a free 2-week online meditation course. The course starts on October 7th and requires a commitment of only 15 minutes per day. This may be the best commitment you have ever made for your physical, emotional and spiritual health and wellness.

Click to read more ...