Sharing Wayne's Wisdom with the World
September 9, 2015
Jackie Roberge

Some of you may have already seen Wayne Dyer's movies and read his books but if not Hay House is offering two of his movies for free (for a limited time) and his e-books for $1.99 for the month of September. 

The first movie is called The Shift and talks about finding one's passion or calling and shifting from ambition (achievement and accumulation) to meaning (serving and giving back).  This movie is particularly touching as Wayne's life over the past several years has been a lot about serving and helping others pursue their passion or share their message (available until Sept. 10th). 

The second movie is called My Greatest Teacher, which shows the amazing events that took place in order for Wayne to get to his father’s grave and how it changed him forever.  This film is being offered for free until September 15th. Please use this link and feel free to please share it with anyone you think would like to watch this film, or benefit from its message of forgiveness.


Article originally appeared on CancerShift (
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